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Tuesday (11-14) and Wednesday (11-15)

Lunch Help tomorrow: 12:30-1 (You may bring your lunch.)

  • Interview a parent or guardian by asking the second and third question on the front page of Letter Home. I will accept this with no penalty until next class period.
  • Essay page 690 (Last chance to submit late or revise at the end of your class period on Monday, November 20th for EVEN classes and Tuesday, November 21st for ODD classes.)
  • I will put a revision section into for revisions tonight. I advise that you come ask questions about revising before submitting a revision.
  • Finish your introductory paragraph and finding your 2 CDs for your new essay on page 298.

Due today: 
  • Early Letter Home answers (on the handout or notebook paper)
  • Newscasts from page 297
  • Listening Handout with vocabulary stapled

1. Jump Start Questions on Civil Rights (See Google classroom later today for questions.)
2. Review the new essay (3 paragraphs) on page 298. See the sample thesis statement. I'll type up a handout and put it in Google classroom tonight.
3. Find CDs. (See page 301 to see the types of CDs.)
4. Ask questions and get help, if needed.


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